Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Sample of A Skripsi or Thesis (1B)
         Sample of A Skripsi or Thesis (1B)
                                               Written by Ari Julianto


A.    Research Design
          Literary work has many aspects and dimensions of elements. Interpreting the literary work needs appropriate theory and methodology related to those elements. The data of this study were analyzed by using qualitative approach. Qualitative approach is an approach in the form of written text, word phrase, or symbol describing or representating people, action, and events in social life.
          Kothari (2004: 3) states that qualitative research is specially important in the behavioral sciences where the aim is to discover the underlying motives of human behavior. Through such research we can analyze the various factors which motivate people to behave in a particular manner or which make people like or dislike a particular thing.
          This research was conducted in the Library of using a descriptive qualitative method during January until March 2013. By using this descriptive method, the researcher analyzed the infinitive forms including the types of infinitive used by the writers of educational news, and find out the most dominant types of infinitive forms. The researcher took 1 piece of news for each week. It means there were 12 articles of educational news in BBC News Online.

B.    Source of the Data
          The data of this study were taken from the educational news of BBC News Online in website as the source of the data. This research started on the first week of January until the fourth week of March 2013 that totally there were 12 articles.
           Besides that, library research was used in analyzing the data required, the researcher will collect the data and read some books that relates to the research. Descriptive research was carried out to describe the use of infinitive forms and the most dominant types of infinitive in educational news of BBC News Online.

C. Technique for Collecting Data
          The data were analyzed by using descriptive technique, through some steps. The steps are as follows:
a. reading all the selected articles of educational news of British Broadcasting Corporation News Online,
b. identifying each sentence that contains infinitive forms,
c. classifying the infinitive forms to find out the type of infinitive.

D. Technique for Analyzing Data
           The data were analyzed by finding out the infinitive forms in the educational news of BBC News Online and then identify them based on the three types. The steps are as follows:
1. selecting the educational news of BBC News Online,
2. identifying the type of infinitive in each sentence from the news,
3. classifying each type of the infinitive appearing in the news into three types: Bare infinitive (simple infinitive), Full infinitive (to infinitive), and Infinitive phrases (infinitival phrase),
4. calculating the percentage of each type of infinitive by using Sudijono’s (2004: 43) formula as the follow    
P = the percentage of the forms of infinitive
X = the total number of one form of infinitive
Y = the total number of the whole type of infinitive
5. Finding out the most dominant type of the infinitive appearing in the educational news of BBC Online.


A. Data Collection

          The researcher collected the data of this research by using stratified random sampling where all the infinitive forms in the educational news of BBC Online were collected. It means the researcher analyzed all the infinitives in the 12 educational news that were collected from January until March 2013.  After analyzing the sources of the data in educational news of BBC Online, the data can be presented for each source as in the following tables, the bold words are infinitives.

Table 4.1. Data Collection of Educational News
in BBC Online On 3 January 2013

and so on

B. Data Analysis
          After collecting and identifying the data of Educational News in BBC Online, then the data were analyzed to find out the use of infinitives. In this research, the data were analyzed based on the types of the infinitive Bare infinitive (simple infinitive), Full infinitive (to infinitive), and Infinitive phrases (infinitival phrase). The analysis of the data can be shown as in the following table.
Note:    BI = Bare infinitive       FI = Full infinitive IP= Infinitive phrase

Table 4.13 Analysis the Use of Infinitive
in Educational News of BBC Online

          And the percentage of each kind of Prepositional Phrase can be reported as shown in the following table by using the Sudijono’s (2004: 43) formula as follows                  
P = the percentage of Infinitives type
F = the total number of one type of Infinitives
N = the total number of all Infinitives types

Table 4.14
Data Analysis on All Editions and the Percentage of Infinitives

C. The Findings
          After the researcher analyzed all the data of infinitives in BBC News Online, the findings can be reported as follows:
1.  In educational news of BBC News Online, all the three forms of infinitives can be found; they were bare infinitives, full infinitives, and infinitives phrase,
2. In each edition of educational news of BBC News Online, the readers can find infinitives except inflectional phrases that not all editions appeared,
3. The most dominant kind of infinitive form appeared in educational news of BBC News Online was full infinitive that was 46.25 %. Meanwhile, the fewest kind of suffix form was infinitive phrases that was 11.25 %.


A. Conclusions

          After analyzing all the data obtained, some conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1.  In educational news of BBC News Online, all the three forms of infinitives can be found; they were bare infinitives, full infinitives, and infinitives phrase. In each edition of educational news of BBC News Online, the readers can find infinitives except inflectional phrases that not all editions appeared,
3. The most dominant kind of infinitive form appeared in educational news of BBC News Online was full infinitive that was 46.25 %. Meanwhile, the fewest kind of suffix form was infinitive phrases that was 11.25 %.

B. Suggestions
          From the data obtained, then the researcher would like to suggest as follows:
1.  In reading English news in a newspaper, the readers should be aware of the existence of infinitives understandable process of words in understanding the content of the news,
2. The readers should understand wholly the meanings and the forms of derivational affixes including suffix and prefix forms that found in English news,
3.  In understanding the derivational affix appeared in English news, the readers might guess the basic word and meanings by recognizing the prefix and suffix,
4.  The readers, hopefully, recognize the entire derivational affix either in the form of suffix or prefix in order to avoid the ambiguity and misunderstanding the meaning of the content.

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